Friday, May 21, 2010

Seven Deadly Social Sins

I am listening to the election results from the primaries that came in this morning. Kentucky and Pennsylvania had some startling elections. Arlen Specter was defeated in Pennsylvania and Ron Paul was elected against the Republican machine and Mitch McConnell in Kentucky. Pundits are saying that the American people are angry and you don’t have to be a member of the tea party to realize that between the meltdown on Wall Street, heavy criticism of health care legislation and the gigantic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico you can become a bit disillusioned. I ran across the following quote from Mohandas Gandhi who while a Christian had a profound respect for Jesus and his teachings. In fact he knew Christian scripture so well that he was fond of quoting words of Christ frequently to friends. At times people even thought he was a Christian.

While this is fairly simple every line suggests that there is an important ingredient that is needed for success in every area from politics to worship.

Seven Deadly Social Sins

Politics without principle
Wealth without work
Commerce without morality
Pleasure without conscience
Education without character
Science without humanity
Worship without sacrifice.
