Saturday, April 17, 2010

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

(Mark 10:13-14)

Sometimes when you have done something for many years, such as receive the Eucharist or say the Lord’s Prayer or the Apostle’s Creed, its meaning can be taken for granted - buried somewhere in your “belief box” which lies dormant in the back of your brain. But then, there is an awakening that can take place in situations of trauma, when you find yourself reaching for comfort and assurance, or in moments of great joy, when you see two people looking into each other’s eyes and say, “For better, for worse.” It can also take place when you look into the eyes of a young child who is preparing for his or her first holy communion. Questions come at you in new and fresh ways that you remember you once asked yourself. You also see the anticipation in their hearts and the sincerity that can inspire, along with the awe and wonder that can get knocked out of you by the time people call you an adult.

As I met for six weeks with a bunch of ten year olds I was reminded how new and fresh the world is and how awe and wonder are still a part of the “MO.” It is too bad so much gets knocked out of us by the time we are ready to have children. There is a quote that Jesus says You Must Become Like A Little Child To Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven. May our inner child not diminish, as we grow older.

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